Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Peoples' ARTy

Here at TPP we're indebted to you good folks for coming out and supporting the shows. The formula is simple: no people = no shows. So on the news of yet another show sell out (you're spoiling us) we thought we'd give some more back to you beautiful Party People.

The plan is to give you all a little momento of our time spent together. So whenever possible, we're going to team up with a local artist, and create a totally limited edition piece of poster art. These will be given out free of charge, to you wonderful show goers at the end of the night.

Kicking us off this January, the world's finest spandex sourcerer and pigeon hero Jay Forster has created the totally awesome Andrew Bird poster for all you fine boys and gals who were lucky enough to scoop tickets to the show. It looks even more sublime in print, and we truly believe that if you put it on your wall it will forever emanate a delicious glow, reminding us all of our happy times together.

You complete us.

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